Well, we’re only a little ways into this project, and I’ve already learned a few things. Most of it will turn out to be a positive thing, and since we’re all about honesty here in this little corner of cyberspace, here it is:
- This writing thing is harder than I expected. Not that I don’t know how to write—I am an aspiring journalist/novelist with plenty of experience. But, with this blog, I feel like I’m speaking directly to you. That makes me a little nervous. On top of that, I can’t go back and change what I’ve said. Once one of these goes in the mail, it’s a done deal. I think like any writer, as soon as you write something down, you begin to question it. That’s a little tough. I don’t get the benefit of a second draft.
- You can’t please everyone, so why try? I quickly realized that the whole point of this blog page is to give you MY unique perspective on things. Yet I have secretly been “softening” my opinions in order to placate the masses. That’s not the way it should be. If you can’t handle some thought-provoking opinion, then don’t let the mouse click hit you in the hyperlink on the way out. Ambiguity is boring.
- Writing about prison is my theme here, and it’s probably why you’re reading, but I’ve got a little more to get off my chest than just stories about the joint. I'll always try to keep it topical, and hopefully will never bore you, but expect a little bit more out of me from now on. Not that I’ve been “dumbing it down,” but I’m capable of a little bit more than I’ve been giving, and quickly got tired of holding back.
- Also related to #3, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve mostly been presenting this in an “informal,” semi-sarcastic voice. While that is fairly representative of my personality and what I intended for this site, there are some very serious issues affecting our nations prisons, and I will not hesitate to address them in the sincere, candid manner they deserve. Again with the topical thing, there are some non-penal issues I’d like to touch on as well. I’m not looking to run a propaganda machine here, and I’m certainly no Limbaugh or Huffington, so take it for what it’s worth.
- Besides all the negative (yet intriguing) aspects of prison, there are a few positive things that go on in here, too. This place is a breeding ground for creativity. Don’t be surprised if you see the occasional poem, short story, drawing, painting, or even song pop up on this site. Arts & crafts are popular here, maybe I’ll give you a little DIY project now & then.
One last thing. Although I never intended this site to lead to any pen-pal relationships, and certainly want NO profit from it, I am going to post my mailing address on the “about me” section. If something I say engages you so much that you wish to contact me personally, feel free. I’ll respond to each and every letter.
That’s all for now. Enjoy the “upgrade” and keep checking in!
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